Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Candy

So, now that Easter is here (and the day is nearly through), I'd like to know what your favorite (and least favorite) Easter candy happens to be. Here's mine:
1. Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (not the large ones, but small & the size of a Hershey egg); I didn't know about these until this year. They are simply little bits of deliciousness!
2. Speckled Egg Peanut Butter M & Ms (I think the speckles are what really attracted me, but the taste is quite nice as well.)
3. Peanut butter/chocolate disks (usually individually wrapped & a bit larger than a chocolate coin size) - Note my theme of chocolate & peanut butter...
4. Robin Eggs (malted eggs)
5. Brach's jelly bean eggs (generic jelly beans are a big risk)
6. Reese's Pieces in the carrot shaped bag (Okay, I know they are no different than regular Reese's Pieces, but I'm a sucker for the way these are packaged.)

1. Giant, chocolate bunnies (especially generic versions); Hershey's are okay. I feel like I will never finish this monstrosity (and usually don't). Plus, it just doesn't taste great.
2. Peeps (These aren't great no matter how you do it; Even the stale ones aren't especially tasty.)


Wit said...

Cadbury Eggs are pretty dynamite. Most things bunny shaped are good. I had a Caramello of said shape today, mmmm.

-1 on Peeps - yuck

Bridget said...

High fives to the reeses peanut butter eggs..haven't tried the little ones, but love the big ones, and I am one of those sick twisted people who likes stale peeps...they are a crunchy delight when left to ripen to pure peep perfection :) We had peep fights at small group one was a purple one versus a pink one...the purple one won I was a landslide, the pink one just rolled over and gave up immediately. What is a peep fight you might ask? You place two peeps on a paper plate in the microwave facing each other. Turn the microwave and watch them try and topple over one another...its really a pretty entertaining 30 second experience :)

we are reilly said...

YEAH to ANYTHING with peanut butter!!! :)

Tyler said...

I like the plain hersey's candy covered eggs. It's basically the same chocolate as a kiss only in a candy shell.

The rest aren't worth mentioning.

kmw said...

Peep fight in the microwave...any tips to make this work? Our peeps just blew up and had puffy chests at one another. No fighting, really. Then our kitchen mainly smelled like burnt marshmallow. Ugh!

Bridget said...

I literally laughed out loud at the result from your microwave peep fight! I dunno...I've only done it once, and we just faced them towards each other. Maybe if you surround a pink one by a whole bunch of yellow ones, he will be overtaken by the team :)

Tyler said...

you are supposed to put a tooth pick in the chest of each peep and the first to touch the other will usually explode it or something./