Sunday, July 26, 2009

Where Did the Summer Go?

I cannot believe how fast this summer has flown by. I feel like I just got out of work (probably because I have been in several times since my "last" day), but only two weeks are left before I go back.

Last week we sent our daughter to daycare to help her get back in the groove. We're sending her to the sitter once a week from now on so she can spend some time with the other kids and become familiar with this setting once again. As I dropped her off this past week, it was a different experience than we left off with this past May. She saw the house and started saying, "No, no, no" on our way in. I handed her to the sitter (who is such a warm & wonderful caregiver) and she cried, "No, Mommy, no!" I quickly ducked out before a bigger scene erupted, but oh, the heartache. My eyes welled up with tears on the way home as I realized that I would be back at work for real soon enough.

That was the first of my realizations that summer is coming to an end. The other is the lack of days on my calendar to finish those "I'll get to it this summer projects." I should give myself some credit - we've accomplished lots since both of us were home and have made some great memories with our daughter. I'll mark these as DONE - sealing & fixing the patio (thanks Brian!). moving the library, lots of play dates, sorting through lots of kid clothes, trip to MN, many afternoons poolside, Sox games, making over a rocking chair, starting a digital scrapbook, re-working my blog, weekend with the nieces, and more I'm probably leaving out.

Still to come - Harry Potter movie date, outlet mall date, Cougars game, painting the kitchen, painting the foyer & upstairs hall, back splash in kitchen, basement organization, planning for school/work, more play dates

Later this year - painting master bedroom & bath

The list goes on and on, but I can see after making all these lists (done and left undone) that summer has been devoted to some worthwhile projects and lots of family time. I'll focus on these positive thoughts to keep myself from the bitterness that creeps in when August rolls around.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Ugh, I haven't even had a summer yet! I've been working every single day since school got out. I'll get a short break come next Monday, but then it's right back to work when I get back. Man, I need to work less during the summer...