Monday, July 20, 2009

Be Faithful in the Small Things

Yesterday I watched Joel Osteen's message about being faithful in the small things. This message was a really good one for me. My husband has been out of work for awhile, and it is imperative that we stay focused and keep living to our fullest potential even though it's hard and it doesn't seem fair.

However, this message applied even more so to our church life. We recently joined a newly formed congregation. Starting something new is hard. I get frustrated that sometimes services are poorly attended, especially in the summer. I am aggravated that only a handful of the members attend adult education. I would love to see new members flocking through our doors. I wonder if we'll ever get to the point where we will experience some substantial growth. Joel's message this week focused on being faithful in the small things, such as a small church just getting started. Our roots are so important to the growth God has in store for us. I should view this as an opportunity to develop myself spiritually and be faithful.

"So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galations 6:9

"He who is faithful in little can be trusted with much." Luke 16:10

Thank you, Joel, for helping me see that this is a season in my life to grow roots; a season in our church to grow roots. If something in your life is hard right now or you feel you are doing insignificant work, it is not insignificant in the eyes of God. Trust Him and be faithful that He is working in you right now to make your roots strong and big blessings are in store for your life.

1 comment:

we are reilly said...

thanks for this post -- it hits home to me too.....I feel the exact same way you did/do -- I need frequent reminders that life shouldn't be on 'super speed' or 'drive thru''s meant for us to grow slowly...