As a treat for some students who met a special goal I'd set for them, I provided popcorn during their lesson this week. I used a big popcorn maker in our lounge. It took me about 20 min. to prepare the popcorn I needed each time. (I've had a couple of rounds of making popcorn this week.) I had to laugh out loud several times at people's reactions to all this popcorn making. I would be going about my business and other adults would be in and out of the lounge. EVERY time someone came in the lounge, they mentioned something about the popcorn. Each person's comments were much like the person before.
Popcorn comments:
"Oooh, smells like popcorn."
"Oh, you're making popcorn."
"Smells good!"
"Popcorn sounds good right now."
"Wow, that smells great!"
"Are you making some popcorn?" (My response in my head: "No, I enjoy standing here by this machine.")
I laughed to myself and wish I had someone to share it with. So, here you go.